Safeguarding and Child Protection Courses and Workshops
Everyone shares the responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, irrespective of individual roles. ECLM ltd offers a wide range of course and workshops, from organisation board acountability and development sessions, to safeguarding adults, safeguarding children and young poeple and safeguarding unborn babies workshops.
Working Together to Safeguard Children, places a duty on all employers to ensure that their staff are competent and confident in carrying out their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting children’s and young people’s welfare; the roles and functions of agencies; who does what in protecting children; good practice in working with parents.
There is a requirement for all staff working with children & young people must undertake this training every 3 years.
Our bespoke courses which aims to give staff the tools to identify / recognise child abuse and what action to take. They include the development of knowledge and recognition of signs and indicators of abuse; how to refer to your designated person, and what happens next.
It is important for anyone who works in children and young people settings or with children and young people to recognise the importance of working in a coordinated way in relation to child protection issues.
Our bespoke courses are aimed at those who work with children and young people in a wide variety of settings including but not exclusively schools; school governors, staff in the youth service programmes, family support centres/sure start centres, community groups, volunteers and those working in sports clubs such as rugby, cricket and football etc.
Course subject areas include:
All our courses are in line with the latest government legislation and guidance such as , "Working Together to Safeguard Children ” and are fully compliant with Local Safeguarding Children Board (SCB) requirements.
The courses are aligned with the children's workforce development council (CWDC) induction module 6, Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Section 11 of the Children Act 2004, Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, the General Dental Council (GDC) and QCFQualifications and Credit Framework.
The course covers and includes the important opportunities to support individuals to develop skills, gain underpinning knowledge and understanding to meet the evidence requirements of individual units for the QCF/NVQ Level 2/3 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce and for those studying on the Health and Social Care pathways at both level 2 and 3.
Want to know more about our flexible bespoke courses contact us now through the ‘contact us’ section of this site, or by phone details which are on this site.
Sports clubs
We run a range of highly rated workshops for staff involved in all forms of sports, such as officers, designated officers coaches, referees etc these are flexible and frequently run at evenings in your faciities.
Latest course
Safeguarding—Mental Capacity Act and DOLs—The Role of the Manager
The programme enables you to review your role and compliance against CQC requirements and the fundamental standards
Various dates throughout the year next date
Book you place now £150pp discount for inhouse programmes
To book use the contact form or for more information to book